About Us

Founded by Ras Levi Peynado in 2012, Ras was born and raised in Seattle, Washington.
Growing up, his mother worked as a craftsperson at the Pike Place Market and eventually became Market Master and Farm Program Manager. His father lived and died in Jamaica where he was a fourth generation farmer... and a very humble Rasta man.
After a trip to Jamaica, Ras decided to follow in his parents footsteps. In 2010, Ras began growing herbs on an urban farm while developing recipes with his friends and family.

The Farm
All of our herbs and peppers are grown by hand in rich, all-natural soil right out of North Seattle.
On our farm we grow a variety of herbs ranging from:
thyme, rosemary, oregano, basil, parsley, tarragon, lavender
chives, marjoram, dill, fennel, mint, chamomile, lemongrass, mustard
lemon balm, lemon verbena, stevia and more
We also specialize in growing a variety of hot peppers from cayenne to habanero & scotch bonnets indoors & outdoors.

The Process
Our herbs are incorporated into a variety of mindfully crafted, small batch culinary spice blends, seasonings, sauces, salts, vinegars, mustards, & teas.
We plant, tend and dry our herbs at our state licensed farm and processing facility.
We harvest our ingredients using organic practices, that have been passed down from farmer to farmer for thousands of years.. These simple yet effective techniques are what you smell and taste in every meal, bringing everyone back to their roots.